Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Product Review: Trader Joe's Brownie Mix

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I have always loved Trader Joe's. I love the exotic finds in their frozen foods section, all of their delicious dark chocolate-covered concoctions, and their Hawaiian shirts. I also love that they have off-beat foods that you won't find anywhere else. My only wish for Trader Joe's is that they carried more gluten free/dairy free options for people on special diets. Last time I was in the store I searched high and low trying to find some gluten free options to try, and much to my dismay the pickings were slim. I did, however, come across a gluten free brownie mix. Here are my thoughts...



This mix is extremely easy to make. All you need to do is add an egg, water, and oil (I used canola oil). Then you mix everything together, pour it into a pan, and bake. I also added dairy free chocolate chips to make it a even more chocolatey. If you need a quick baked good for a bake sale or a potluck, this is a great option.

Not only are these brownies gluten free, but they are also dairy free. Another huge plus! 

The best part about this mix is that it tastes great! I made it for a dinner party I had at my house and I did not tell the guests it was gluten free because I wanted to see what they thought without knowing it was an alternative recipe. Everyone loved it! I was actually surprised at how good these brownies were. I was expecting them to taste somewhat off, as many gluten free recipes do. Luckily the brownies were a huge hit with my guests.



The brownies did not cook evenly for some reason. The outer edges got somewhat hard and crunchy, while the center was gooey and even a tad oily. It did not impact the taste necessarily, but I found it odd that the texture was so uneven after it baked.

This mix is not necessarily the most healthy gluten free dessert I have come across. It's definitely not Paleo (it has rice flours in it) and it has a lot of sugar in it.


This is a tasty, quick dish to make in a pinch if you are craving some chocolate. However, I would not want to make this all the time just because I think I could find a healthier option. I will keep my eye out for gluten free brownie recipes made from scratch and post it if I find one!

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  1. Anna bought these to make this past weekend and they ARE SO GOOD!

  2. Replies
    1. Haha yes I figured. Thanks for being one of the few people who actually reads this :-)
